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7 Principles of Landing Page Design (Part 2)

Building and designing a great landing page is easier said than done. In one page, you need to inform your consumers why you exist, and do so in a way that speaks to a wide audience. So how do you make sure that you’re saying the right thing at the right time? With the pace of innovation being what it is, it’s all too easy to lose touch with the consumer in the modern world. Here are a few tips to make sure your landing page stays unique, relevant and effective.

This is a continuation of a previous post. Read part one here.

Make an offer they can’t refuse

powerful offer

One of the benefits of measuring your data is that you can really get to know your visitors. You can see what pages they like, which ones they don’t, what they look for and what they never see. It makes it much easier to determine what they’re really after. So, to get a landing page that really catches their eye, give them something you know they want.

Build a model, either in your head or through surveys, of what your potential consumers are looking for. What’s the “Why” that drives their interactions? Try to figure out what that is. IF you’re successful, you can make a use that knowledge to give them a powerful incentive to interact with your page. Great graphics and creative copy will help a lot, don’t get me wrong… In fact, often times a truly good offer is obscured if care isn’t taken to make sure the delivery vector is salient. But at the end of the day, no one moves on a poor offer, no matter how good the design. Don’t be that offer.

Score your interactions

Whatever the immediate goal of your lander, ideally an interaction should lead to a positive and profitable result. I’ve met very few people who put up random content just for fun. But it may surprise you to find out that most people haven’t really quantified what that value is. What are you chasing? Is it a high value lead? A stellar job applicant? A sponsor for you event? Whatever is is, do you know what it’s worth to your business?

By consistently scoring you interactions, you can get a better view of what your landing page means to you business. You’re managing a web presence with so many variables and details that it’s easy to get lost and not know how to make better moves. But, marketers who have real time knowledge over what activities and pages mean the most to their business have an opportunity to complete change their marketing experience. Instead of trying  to figure something out, you’ll have the answer written in front of you in bold letters. Not a bad position in my book.


Experiment-Gone-WrongIt can be very easy to get comfortable. You get a surge in sales. A trend swings your way. Where before you were on your leads like flies, all of a sudden you can’t work fast enough. Profits rise and you’re contemplating a major expansion. And then, just as soon as the ink dries… Disaster. Your competitors catch on your advantage and evicerate it. They snake off a chunk of your highest paying accounts and leave you looking for the loan office. Lady luck can be fickle…

Even the best marketer in the world knows he doesn’t know everything. Times change, technology changes… the market changes. By experimenting and getting deeper and better insights about your consumer, you can be on top of it. You can see shifts before they come. You can catch opportunities before your competition. You can use data and experimentation to stay ahead of the game. As Sir Francis Bacon said, “He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.” Just as Microsoft fell to Apple and Yellow Pages gave way to Google… and just as Cable will inevitably fall to Hulu and Netflix… the company that fails to innovate and learn from the markets will be crushed by their forces. Make sure that you take stock of you consumers and are always delivering the highest value before they even know they need it.

I hope that these tips will help you as you build you online presence into something to behold. If there’s something you feel I’ve missed, please let me know in the comment section below!

Til next time,






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About the Author

Darrell Malone Jr.View all posts by Darrell Malone Jr.
Darrell Malone, Jr. is the Co-Founder of Endeavor Marketing Solutions. Through Endeavor, he works to help others successfully make the transition from Employee to Employer. His personal goals are to travel the world and to speak in every tongue.